
수강기간 중 영어로 일기 또는 자유로운 글을 작성해 주세요.
담당 강사가 직접 교정을 해 드립니다.

제목 2021-02-03 등록일 2021-02-03
내용 Would you let me know the right word for "færou" in the following sentence?
As long as you were truthful and "færou" with explaining to them, you had to have been successful.

There is potential they will have a conflict of interest.

They will interview both the aggressor and the victim.
담당강사 Neal2 등록일 2021-02-03
첨삭 내용

Would you let me know the right word for "færou" in the following sentence?
As long as you were truthful and "færou" with explaining to them, you had to have been successful.

There is potential they will have a conflict of interest.

They will interview both the aggressor and the victim.
