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제목 Reading newspapers 3 등록일 2021-02-05
내용 I recently read the news about game stop that is video game store in USA. the main topic in the article private investors fight with short selling force. many private investor bought a game stop stock, so short selling force damaged about 4 billion dollars. After news, stock market fell. since short selling is issue in south korea, i interested in this article, i surprised that gathering private investor is possible to fight short selling force. In USA, they are called 'robin hood ' and in south Korea called donghak ants'. In south Korea no short selling is extended until may. i will stop
담당강사 Sarah2 등록일 2021-02-08
첨삭 내용

I recently read the news about the US video game store "GameStop". the main topic of  the article tells the  unbelievable  story of how average people on the social plaltform Reddit came together online and decided to buy shares of GameStop. these were not professional investors but just your normal person looking for good investment opportunities and they decided  they would have stronger buying & sellling situations if they worked together rather than separately .fight with short selling force. many private investors bought  GameStop stock, so short selling forces lost  about 4 billion dollars. After the news, stock market fell.

Since short selling is an hot  issue in South Korea, i was interested in this article and I am continuing to follow what happens this week concerning the stock market as i am surprised that a small minded group of like-minded gathering private investor could have made such a strong economic impact and  fight the short selling force. In USA, they are called 'robin hood ' and in south Korea called donghak ants'. In south Korea the no short selling  ban is extended thru May.

