
수강기간 중 영어로 일기 또는 자유로운 글을 작성해 주세요.
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제목 Diary 2021-03-05 등록일 2021-03-05
내용 Today I went to my company.
And I had momstouch burger with four of my colleagues when lunch time.
We do talk about this and that. Time feels like arrow.
today is end my diary.

Thank you for reading ^^
담당강사 mandela2usa 등록일 2021-03-08
첨삭 내용

Today I went to my company.
And I had a "momstouch" (is this the type of burger?) burger with four of my colleagues during lunch time.
We talked about this and that. Time feels like an arrow.
Today is the end of my diary.

Thank you for reading ^^
