
수강기간 중 영어로 일기 또는 자유로운 글을 작성해 주세요.
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제목 1st question 등록일 2021-05-03
내용 Hi
I am glad to meet you to study with you. Today I 'd like to express relating that time is limiting and it was so precious to me.
Could you review my sentence and recommend me good expression like 'every minute counts'?

How was your weekend's? I spent my time as my schedule, I feel that weekend time flies like arrow.
We are just allowed to use 48 hour. Another meaning is limiting of usuing time. It makes us to think time is so precious.
It is precious to me spending time with you.
Every minute counts.
Although I didn't get the result of what I want, I think it is a proceess to make i
담당강사 Tristan1 등록일 2021-05-07
첨삭 내용

I am glad to meet **and study with you. Today I 'd like to express *something relating *to time; *time is limited and it so precious to me.
Could you review my sentence and recommend *to me *a good expression like 'every minute/**second counts'?

How was your weekend? I spent my time **enjoying my *personal schedule, I feel that ***for the weekend time flies *by and is over before we know it.
We are just allowed to use 48 *hours. Another **way to express limited time to me is, **the more time is limited the more valuable it is to me. It makes us think time is so precious.
It is precious to me *to spend time with you.
Every minute/**second counts.
Although I didn't get the result of what I want, I think it is a proceess to make. 
