
수강기간 중 영어로 일기 또는 자유로운 글을 작성해 주세요.
담당 강사가 직접 교정을 해 드립니다.

제목 I'm OK 등록일 2021-06-27
내용 Hi, I'm Soon
After 2 day fever, I got well.
On the first night of the J&J vaccine, the fever was over 102°F, so I took a tyrenol(distributed by J&J. What a coincidence! Was Tylenol originally distributed by Johnson & Johnson?)
The next day, I had a headache and sore eyes. I took a sick leave for the day. And in the evening of the following day, I got well 90% I think..
I feel better now fortunately..
담당강사 Lyndsay2 등록일 2021-06-28
첨삭 내용

Hi, I'm Soon
After 2 day fever, I got well.
On the first night of the J&J vaccine, the fever was over 102°F, so I took a tyrenol(distributed by J&J. What a coincidence! Was Tylenol originally distributed by Johnson & Johnson?)
The next day, I had a headache and sore eyes. I took a sick leave for the day. And in the evening of the following day, I got well 90% I think..
I feel better now fortunately..


I'm so glad that you are feeling better; I was worried about you. It seems that many people experience the same reaction with the J&J vaccine. You are correct, it seems that Johnson & Johnson is Tylenol's parent company, go figure. I look forward to talking with you soon and hopefully you'll feel 100% better in no time. ;)

