
수강기간 중 영어로 일기 또는 자유로운 글을 작성해 주세요.
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제목 2021-09-14 등록일 2021-09-14
내용 In S. Korea, a maintenance office of a complex monthly collects some money from its residents and saves it. When it needs to paint the whole buildings or to replace old parts in bulk, etc., the office spends some of the saved money. In this case, may I say: A resident in a complex has to pay a monthly charge for long-term repairs.

Would listeners think that the following second sentence has the same meaning with the first sentence?
To print ID cards, I need a picture of each of you.
To print ID cards, I need pictures of you and her.

The candidate / a candidate who gets the most votes wins.
담당강사 Neal2 등록일 2021-09-14
첨삭 내용

In S. Korea, a maintenance office of a complex monthly collects some money from its residents and saves it. When it needs to paint the whole buildings or to replace old parts in bulk, etc., the office spends some of the saved money. In this case, may I say: A resident in a complex has to pay a monthly charge for long-term repairs.

Would listeners think that the following second sentence has the same meaning with the first sentence?
To print ID cards, I need a picture of each of you.
To print ID cards, I need pictures of you and her.

The candidate / a candidate who gets the most votes wins. **
