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제목 My Bad Habit: Biting My Naills. 등록일 2021-11-24
내용 Dear Diary, I have a terrible habit.
These days, l always bite my nails.
I started doing this for strsed out.
My teacher said i should stop doing it,
So i made a plan.
First, i will put tape around my fingers.
When i feel stressed, i will bite the tape instead.
This is will remind me to stop biting my nails.
Second, i well practice some healthy habits.
Instead of biting my nails.
I will take deep breaths.
Then i will feel calm and relaxed.
I will also start exercising regularly.
It won't be easy, but I am sure i can break my bad habit!
담당강사 Trixie 등록일 2021-11-25
첨삭 내용

Dear Diary, I have a terrible habit.
These days, l always bite my nails.
I do this to release my stress
My teacher said i should stop doing it,
So i made a plan.
First, i will put tape around my fingers.
When i feel stressed, i will bite the tape instead.
This is will remind me to stop biting my nails.
Second, i will practice some healthy habits.
Instead of biting my nails.
I will take deep breaths.
Then i will feel calm and relaxed.
I will also start exercising regularly.
It won't be easy, but I am sure i can break my bad habit!


==== very good ====
