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담당 강사가 직접 교정을 해 드립니다.
제목 | This was I what I wanted to say yesterday. | 등록일 | 2022-01-12 |
내용 | People in Korea believed buddhism from 800 D.C to 1400 D.C. The dynasty adopted it as a religion to rule the people. The next dynasty adopted Confucianism as a religion to rule the people from 1400 D.C. to 1900 D.C. There is no more king in Korea, but the tradition of the two religions is still in our culture; seeking for peace and respecting seniors. |
담당강사 | maya2usa | 등록일 | 2022-01-12 |
첨삭 내용 | People in Korea believed in Buddhism from 800 D.C to 1400 D.C. I love this, thank you so much for writing it! I so appreciate learning about your culture, it is truly fascinating and you are definitely giving me a major sense of wanderlust to come visit |