
수강기간 중 영어로 일기 또는 자유로운 글을 작성해 주세요.
담당 강사가 직접 교정을 해 드립니다.

제목 Sorry for not attending class today 등록일 2022-01-25
내용 Hey Sarah
It’s me, Seongmo.
I don't think I'll be able to attend today's class because of a headache. whether I had a stomache yesterday or i slept wrong somehow yesterday. I wanted to tell you this before the class, but I don't know how, so I'll leave it here.
담당강사 Sarah2 등록일 2022-01-25
첨삭 내용

Hey Sarah
It’s me, Seongmo.
I don't think I'll be able to attend today's class because of a headache. whether I had a stomache yesterday or i slept wrong somehow yesterday. I wanted to tell you this before the class, but I don't know how, so I'll leave it here.
