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제목 Learning english is the most interest things in Life. 등록일 2022-02-22
내용 A best way of self-improvement during whole life is learning english. To communicate a lot of global people to sharing my mind, thinking, feeling. and delivering the information. I had been studied for very long years, but I don't know that english very well, now is started by me studying english. Now I started studying properly.
and I think it is very interesting things for learning english its give to me more information, and whose(native) mind-set, whose attitude, whose manner, etc. I'm very curious about english, and I have a vision, and I have a confidence, a lot of time until I die.
담당강사 Lisa1 등록일 2022-02-23
첨삭 내용

A best way of self-improvement during whole life is learning english. To communicate a lot of global people to sharing my mind, thinking, feeling. and delivering the information. I had been studied for very long years, but I don't know that english very well, now is started by me studying english. Now I started studying properly.
and I think it is very interesting things for learning english its give to me more information, and whose(native) mind-set, whose attitude, whose manner, etc. I'm very curious about english, and I have a vision, and I have a confidence, a lot of time until I die.

The best way to improve yourself over your whole life is to learn English. This way, you can communicate with a lot of people all over the world, sharing thoughts,  feelings, and information. I have studied English for many years, but I still don't know English very well. I have begun studying properly now, and I think (I am not sure what you are trying to say for the rest of this paragraph). 
