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제목 Why I selected my major? (end) 등록일 2022-04-04
내용 There're the system that might be called "Cross-application for college entrance examinations." (I'm not sure) that liberal arts can apply to natural sciences in university and vice versa.
That sounded good for me. I could have applied to the computer science as my major! Instead, I had a problem to improve score of mathematics which I hated. one of the most important exam was mathematics. that weighted to 60%.I tried to do my best.I got a highest score of mathematics in my life. I joined at the computer science as my major.
TL;DR-I love computers and it looks cool to resolve a problem for me.
담당강사 Lisa1 등록일 2022-04-05
첨삭 내용

There is a system that might be called "cross-application for college entrance examinations" (I'm not sure) in which a liberal arts student can apply for a natural sciences track in university and vice versa.
That sounded good to me. I could have applied to computer science as my major! Instead, I had a problem improving my mathematics score, which I hated. One of the most important exams was mathematics. It weighed 60% of the overall score. I tried my best, and I got the highest mathematics score I have ever gotten in my life. I was able to take computer science as my major.
TL;DR: I loved computers, and being able to resolve technical problems looked cool.
