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제목 The effects on children of a broken marriage (1) 등록일 2022-04-14
내용 A parent's divorse affects a lot of negative for children.

Children are growing up, having a inseparable attachment relationship between parents and children. For the kids side, if it were disappeared that a reliable father and a warm mother, they would have been very anxious.

If the children fall into such an insecure state, the children are more likely to have mental illnesses such as separation anxiety and lack of affection, and even when they become parents in the future, it leads to obsession with children and excessive interference.

(To be continued)
담당강사 Lisa1 등록일 2022-04-18
첨삭 내용

divorce has a huge negative effect on children.

While children are growing up, they have an inseparable attachment to their parents. If the reliability and warmth of their parents disappear, children can become very anxious.

If children fall into such an insecure state, they are more likely to have mental illnesses such as separation anxiety, and even when they become parents in the future, it can lead to an obsession with their children and excessive interference.

(To be continued)
