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제목 The effects of poverty on an individual (2) 등록일 2022-04-28
내용 <<Dear Lisa, I think you mentioned it means “Absolute poverty” and there are no positive effects in extreme poverty, but poverty what I thought is of relative poverty which means “low-income”. and I think relative poverty has positive effects paradoxically. I’m sorry to confuse you. I'm a thoughtful person. Please let me know whenever I say something weird. I appreciate your concern. Thank you.>>
(Continuing the previous writing)
Also, having no money may make me jealous of rich people around me.
I have resented my poor environment.
Poverty has a positive aspect. It's paradoxical.
담당강사 Lisa1 등록일 2022-04-29
첨삭 내용

(It may be better to define the topic as "low-income versus high-income," rather than being about poverty.)

Also, having no money may make me jealous of richer people around me.
I have resented my poor environment.
Poverty has a positive aspect. It's paradoxical. (Again, it may be that you are talking about coming from a low-income family, rather than being in poverty.)
