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제목 article review 등록일 2022-05-13
내용 This article mainly says that we do not have much time than we expected and it is time for action urgently for the Earth. I believe that people have already been aware of it very well through media, Internet and SNS etc. However, climate crisis issues are always pushed back on the prior list. Because we hardly experience and recognise its huge impacts on our daily basis except occasional weather events that happen in our region such as floods, drought, forest fires, etc.
담당강사 Geraldine 등록일 2022-05-13
첨삭 내용

This article mainly says that we do not have much time as we expected and it is time for an urgent action for the Earth. I believe that people have been well aware of it through the media, Internet, SNS etc. However, climate crisis issues are always pushed back on the prior list. Because we hardly experience and recognise its huge impacts on our daily basis except occasional weather calamities that happen in our region such as floods, drought, forest fires, etc.
