
수강기간 중 영어로 일기 또는 자유로운 글을 작성해 주세요.
담당 강사가 직접 교정을 해 드립니다.

제목 Better word 등록일 2022-05-24
내용 I want to know when the supplier can ship my order.
Please, let me know ( )
1. shipment date
2. shipping date
3. delivery time
4. Any other better word...?

I want to ask price and delivery time of lens to the supplier.
What would be better for title...?
( ) of lens
1. Inquiry
2. Quotation
3. Enquiry
4. Any other better word...?

I want to introduce my name, company and country.
I am Jun of Alpha Zone from South Korea.
Is that okay...? Please, let me know better sentence.
담당강사 Rhea 등록일 2022-05-24
첨삭 내용

I want to know when the supplier can ship my order.
Please, let me know ( )
1. shipment date
2. shipping date
3. delivery time
4. Any other better word...?

I want to ask price and delivery time of lens to the supplier.
What would be better for title...?
( ) of lens
1. Inquiry
2. Quotation
3. Enquiry
4. Any other better word...?

I want to introduce my name, company and country.
I am Jun of Alpha Zone from South Korea.
Is that okay...? Please, let me know better sentence.

I would like inquire about the lens. Please let me have the details of the product, terms of payment, price list and the delivery date.  Thank you!
Title --> inquiry 
I would like to introduce myself. My name is Jun (it has to be in full name) of Alpha Zone from South Korea. 
