
수강기간 중 영어로 일기 또는 자유로운 글을 작성해 주세요.
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제목 making conversation 등록일 2023-01-18
내용 A : Sometimes, it’s so exhausting getting up early in the morning and going to work everyday. Do you feel like that too?

B : Yeah, I know what you mean. For me, not sometimes, but everyday. Sometimes, I wish someone went to work instead of me.????
담당강사 JonathanW1usa 등록일 2023-01-18
첨삭 내용

A : Sometimes, it’s so exhausting getting up early in the morning and going to work everyday. Do you feel like that, too? ("sometimes" and "everyday" constrast with each other in English)

B : Yeah, I know what you mean. For me, it's not sometimes, but everyday. Sometimes, I just wish someone went could go to work instead of me (for me, in my place).
