
수강기간 중 영어로 일기 또는 자유로운 글을 작성해 주세요.
담당 강사가 직접 교정을 해 드립니다.

제목 Introduce myself 등록일 2023-03-24
내용 I've been working in the same company for twelve years.
About ten years I was a sales person.
Usually I sold our product to domestic customers but sometimes I exported it to Brazil and India.
And then I was changed job position to the global operating center.
I make contract with raw material companies and forwarders.
I check production and sales balance.
I control raw material balance and schedule.
Recently interest rate has been rising so managing stock is the main mission.
I'm a middleman in between sales department and prodution team.
Nagotiations happen always. Sometimes it's really hard.
담당강사 rosey 등록일 2023-03-24
첨삭 내용

I've been working in the same company for twelve years.
For about ten years I was a salesperson.
Usually, I sold our product to domestic customers, but sometimes I exported it to Brazil and India.
And then I changed my job position in the global operations center.
I make contracts with raw material companies and forwarders.
I check production and sales balance.
I control raw material balance and schedule.
Recently, the interest rate has risen so managing stock is the main mission.
I'm a middleman between the sales department and the production team.
Negotiations happen always. Sometimes it's really hard.
