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제목 30. March. 2023 등록일 2023-03-30
내용 I went to the cat shelter near my house as a volunteer yesterday.
It is located 3rd floor in an old building where I never guess stay cats in there.
When we opened the door at the shelter, where warm, smelly cozy inside a lot of cats were waiting for us.
We exchanged their food and water freshly and added water to the humidifiers.
I also vacuumed and cleaned their house and toilet too.
After finishing our daily chores we were hanging around with adorable cats. They were so lovely and joyful.
I felt so sad that they didn't find their own family who loved them as much as they loved humans yet.
담당강사 Sofia 등록일 2023-03-30
첨삭 내용

I went to the cat shelter near my house as a volunteer yesterday.
It is located on the third floor of an old building. I didn't think that there were many cats there.
When we opened the door, it was warm and smelly because of the cats inside.
We changed their food and water and added some water to the humidifiers.
I vacuumed and cleaned their house and litter box too.
After finishing our daily chores, we hung out with the adorable cats. They were so lovely and joyful.
I felt so sad that they hadn't found their own family who'll love them as much as they loved humans. 
