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제목 Kids cafe in Korea 등록일 2023-04-19
내용 Kids Cafe in Korea was popular business few years ago.
Many style kids cafe had opened everywhere as cooking cafe, bird cafe, racing cafe etc.
But nowdays Kids cafes aren't popular anymore.
Especially, Many Kids cafes have been affected by Covid-19.
Many cafes have been closed by finance issue.
But there are still kids cafes now.
In my case, recently I didn't go kids cafe anymore.
Because my first daughter is 10 years old.
Kids cafe is so boring for her.
I have to care daughters, so if I go kids cafe it could be ignoring her.
In that reason, I like to go play ground. It's the best way.
담당강사 rosey 등록일 2023-04-28
첨삭 내용

Kids Cafe in Korea was a popular business a few years ago.
Many style kid's cafes had opened everywhere as cooking cafes, bird cafes, racing cafes etc.
But nowadays Kid's cafes aren't popular anymore.
Especially, many Kids' cafes have been affected by Covid-19.
Many cafes have been closed by financial issues.
But there are still kid's cafes now.
In my case, recently I didn't go kid's cafe anymore.
Because my first daughter is 10 years old.
Kids cafe is so boring for her.
I have to care daughters, so if I go to the kid's cafe I could ignore her.
For that reason, I like going to the playground. It's the best way.
