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제목 More people are like to carry cell phones. 등록일 2023-04-21
내용 Here are some reasons.
First, Mobile phone is convenient. we carry it anytime anywhere and use it for calling, taking photos, ordering products and so on.
we can use it just in few senconds.
Second, the information is spread widly. People want to watch and connect with the news.we can get the updated news around the world. Last, people making the relationship . Cell phones make it easier for advertising, meeting and sales.
담당강사 Vanessa1 등록일 2023-04-21
첨삭 내용

Here are some reasons.
First, Mobile phone is convenient. we carry it anytime anywhere and use it for calling, taking photos, ordering products and so on.
we can use it just in few senconds.
Second, the information is spread widly. People want to watch and connect with the news.we can get the updated news around the world. Last, people making the relationship . Cell phones make it easier for advertising, meeting and sales.

First, mobile phones are convenient. We carry it anytime, anywhere, and use it for calling, taking photos, ordering products, and so on. We can use it in a few seconds. Second, information is accessible. People want to watch and connect with the news. We can get the latest news from around the world. Last, people can easily build rapport through phone advertising, meetings, and sales.
