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제목 About immigration 등록일 2023-09-07
내용 I think immigration is good function.
Somebody need people for their work by cheap salary. In this case normally Korean hate to work this field but some immigration people want to do that job. Few years ago Korea sent to the many people to German as this way.
But illegal immigration is bad case. Korean tend to afraid about criminal by illegal immigration people. It's so hard to catch the criminal suspect. And we think they are really easy to escape.
Except for these reasons, Korean population will be reduced in few decades, I think Korean immigration policy will be opened soon.
담당강사 rosey 등록일 2023-09-11
첨삭 내용

I think immigration is a good function.
Some companies need people for their work by cheap salary. In this case, normally Koreans hate to work in this field, but some immigrants want to do that job. A few years ago Korea sent many people to Germany in this way.
But illegal immigration is a bad case. Koreans tend to be afraid of criminals by illegal immigrants. It's so hard to catch the criminal suspect. And we think they are really easy to escape.
Except for these reasons, the Korean population will be reduced in a few decades, I think the Korean immigration policies will be opened soon.
