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제목 Interest rate 등록일 2023-12-10
내용 I usually have read book on economy and I realize method government use to control the economy. At first, they adjust interest rates. At second, they create money and produce to citizen simultaneously called by quantitive easing. When it doesn’t be applied by these both methods, at last, they draw money from bond and use it to make their policy. In the meantime, central bank buy the bond what government need on as needed basis.
담당강사 Janet 등록일 2023-12-11
첨삭 내용

I usually have read book on economy and I realize method government use to control the economy. At first, they adjust interest rates. At second, they create money and produce to citizen simultaneously called by quantitive easing. When it doesn’t be applied by these both methods, at last, they draw money from bond and use it to make their policy. In the meantime, central bank buy the bond what government need on as needed basis.


I usually read books on the economy, and I realize the methods the government uses to control the economy. At first, they adjust interest rates. At second, they create money and produce it for citizens simultaneously, called quantitative easing. When it isn't applied by these two methods, at last, they draw money from bonds and use it to make their policy. In the meantime, the central bank buys the bonds that the government needs on an as-needed basis.
