
수강기간 중 영어로 일기 또는 자유로운 글을 작성해 주세요.
담당 강사가 직접 교정을 해 드립니다.

제목 Hello! My new teacher~ This is my first essay to send you. 등록일 2024-05-31
내용 Hello~! I'm Jini. My name's pronunciation is the same as Aladin's Genie! kkk~ Please call me whatever you want.
I've been trying to write essay every week. So, this is my first essay to send you. This essay is making sentences with new words from last class. Plase check it!

His drive sense is fantastic! I've never seen this technic!
My doughter always drops foods on her clothes, so I have to carry a baby wipe anytime.
We need more hand sanitizers in front of the main gate.
I wouldn't able to execute this race without my team members.
Every student had high score, and the notch has no meaning.
담당강사 Angel1 등록일 2024-06-03
첨삭 내용

Hello~! I'm Jini. My name's pronunciation is the same as Aladin's genie! kkk~ Please call me whatever you want.
I've been trying to write essays every week. So, this is my first essay to send you. This essay is about making sentences with new words from the last class. Please check it!

His drive sense is fantastic! I've never seen this technique!
My daughter always drops food on her clothes, so I have to carry baby wipes anytime.
We need more hand sanitizers in front of the main gate.
I wouldn't be able to execute this race without my team members.
Every student had a high score, and the notch had no meaning.
