
수강기간 중 영어로 일기 또는 자유로운 글을 작성해 주세요.
담당 강사가 직접 교정을 해 드립니다.

제목 Making sentences with new words~ This is part 1! 등록일 2024-07-13
내용 You don't need to keep telling it constantly. I already aware what should I do!
Everything in all over the world is easier said than done.
The first step in setting a goal is analysing last year.
We need to set the next year's goal to accomplish 1billion sales.
Get to the point, let's talk about deciding budget for next month.
Can you direct to client's attention to profit when he talks about mistakes?
Excuse me for taking pictures in this museum.
My boss have been stressed out record low.
I know well you're not a public speaker, but original speaker was away right now.
담당강사 Angel1 등록일 2024-07-15
첨삭 내용
You don't need to keep saying it constantly. I already know what I should do!
Everything in the world is easier said than done.
The first step in setting a goal is analyzing last year.
We need to set the next year's goal to accomplish $1 billion in sales.
To get to the point, let's talk about deciding the budget for next month.
When he talks about mistakes, can you direct the client's attention to profit?
Excuse me for taking pictures in this museum.
My boss has been stressed out to a record low.
I know you're not a public speaker, but the original speaker is away now.
