
수강기간 중 영어로 일기 또는 자유로운 글을 작성해 주세요.
담당 강사가 직접 교정을 해 드립니다.

제목 Restart writing an essay~ 등록일 2024-10-31
내용 Hi there! I'm back~! I didn't expect that I returned, however please take care of me again!

Did he make a mistake? It doesn't make sense.
He briefed about our new project, but I never understood.
You worth to feel great about your accomplishment.
Our department was selected to transfer to headquarters.
As she joined our class, the mood was revived.
I just a mere employee, so I've never attended any conference.
He always says outrageous says.
Most of regional compay have trouble with worker lack.
I don't like too much modest people.
담당강사 Jin1 등록일 2024-11-04
첨삭 내용

Hi there! I'm back! I didn't expect to returned but please take care of me again!

Did he make a mistake? It doesn't make sense.
He briefed us on our new project, but I didn't understand it.
You should feel great about your accomplishment.
Our department was selected to transfer to headquarters.
As she joined our class, the good mood was revived.
I am just a mere employee, so I've never attended any conferences.
He always says outrageous things.
Most regional companies have trouble with a lack of workers.
I don't like overly modest people.


Hi, Jin! It’s great to have you back! You did a good job here! Just keep learning more words to enhance your sentences. Have a fantastic day!
