
수강기간 중 영어로 일기 또는 자유로운 글을 작성해 주세요.
담당 강사가 직접 교정을 해 드립니다.

제목 Making sentences again! This is part.1 등록일 2024-11-23
내용 Hi, Jin! How are you? Are you spending a happy weekend? I hope you always happy in your life!

This situation will change depending on her choice.
He's on vacation, so you can't call him until this weekend.
Every worker count down the days until any holidays.
He's on official onboarding. He's coming back after the lunch.
I was honored when I saw my favorite basketball palyer.
I'm always thrilled when I go to the amuamentpark even I'm an adult.
She's not on her seat for her personal problems.
It was impossible to catch up my boss speed.
담당강사 Jin1 등록일 2024-11-25
첨삭 내용

Hi, Jin! How are you? Are you spending a happy weekend? ( Are you having a good weekend?)  I hope you are always happy in your life!

This situation will change depending on her choice.
He's on vacation, so you can't call him until this weekend.
Every worker counts down the days until the holidays.
He's on official onboarding. He's coming back after the lunch.
I was honored when I saw my favorite basketball player.
I'm always thrilled when I go to the amusement park even though I'm an adult.
She is not on her seat for her personal problems.
It was impossible to catch up with my boss' speed.


Hi, Jin! I had a great weekend, and I hope you had a wonderful one as well. You did a great job constructing these sentences. Keep up the good work and continue improving. Have a great day!
